Friday, September 11, 2009

Shopping for salvia extracts

What to look for when buying Salvia Divinorum

When I'm buying Salvia Divinorum the thing I use to look for, is the package, I'm not sure if you've seen the variety of packages different vendors provide. I really like the one that comes inside a little brown vial.

I didn't know it was my salvia when I first saw it, if I don't see the description in the bag, maybe I'd have done it. Sounds silly but I liked that kind of package, because I've tried some others, and they were just inside a plastic bag, turned into dust because of rough handling.

Glass is much better because the product preserves the odor and flavor, in addition to this it's protected from the sun light and it withstands much better a bad shipping handling.

That means that the manufacturer cares about the end-user and his customers.

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